Current Needs:

Week of 7/25 - Hillman Move

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Three moves and a loving rebuke.

All, I apologize ahead of time, but please take this personally.

Lately, we have run pretty hot or cold on moves with the last one getting just one family (thanks Howells!) to help until I made emergency calls to Scott and Barry.

Contributing on these moves is often inconvenient and there are sometimes many of them in a row but I admonish you to make a better showing. It is really easy to value many things over doing these moves, but just as with our times of spiritual feeding, we need to be better about getting our priorities right when it comes to service.

That said, these are the upcoming:

Edie Keyes needs a hand (or, more to the point, several hands and a TRUCK)to move just a few pieces of furniture from Durham to Raleigh at 4:00 PM or after on Friday. Please RSVP to or comment on this blog if you can help!

Jennifer Henderson is a widow in our community who needs our help moving. I need a specific time but the date and address are above. Please mark your calendars and more information is forthcoming.

Finally, the Noel Vande Slunt family needs our help on what is probably one of the most challenging days of the year for our congregation! Please let me know if you can assist with their move on Saturday, April 30th (day of 4,000 Steps/Walk for Life). Again, specific times are forthcoming.


  1. Count me in on the Thursday move if it is in the evening, 4:00 on Friday is too early as I am still at work.

  2. I should be able to help on the Vande Slunt move.

  3. Hulk here. I will be in NY on 4/8 and in Washinton DC on 4/14. Count me in for 4/30.

  4. I can volunteer Kyle and myself (possibly Joe) for a couple of hours to help the widow on Thursday. Let me know the time via email. -- Joaquin
